WWII Mountain/Ski STOVE, Complete! This is a STUNNING example! Bright, glistening, clean STAINLESS STEEL, free of soot, corrosion and dents!! Only the slightest evidence of “heat discoloration” to the steel on’squared’ hinge ends of the Pot Support arms, from perhaps a single use of the stove! But appears to be operational! WWII M1942-Modified, single-burner, gas Mountain STOVE, Complete! Complete with all components! Stoves were manufactured only in 1944 and 1945. Aladdin was awarded contracts in both 1944 and 1945. The WINDSCREEN is crisply and legibly stamped. Contrary to popular opinion the issue of these durable, lightweight single-burner gas Stoves were NOT limited to the 10. Mountain Division, FSSF, the Mountain/Ski Troops, but were available to Armored personnel, Paratroopers, and ALL combat personnel. Its prototype was already in use by the U. This was just the ticket for the’foxhole chef’ — when you gotta have coffee, you gotta have coffee. Mountain Stove was a 17 oz. Folding tripod legs, and folding pot support arms with 1/2 pint fuel capacity that was capable of operating for 2 hours on one tank of leaded gas. It was designed specifically to operate in frigid temperatures. The pressure pump was combined with the filler cap and contained a second set of replacement parts in addition to those in the steel box-container that snapped onto one of the vertical supports for the windscreen. Clipped above the control valve knob was a combination wrench-screwdriver tool. This unit has it all! Included are each of the original components. The MULTI-PURPOSE WRENCH with machined-edge screwdriver blade (unique to the Aladdin model) is present! The stamped steel SPARE PARTS Box-container complete with it’s bright brass replacement VAPORIZER/GENERATOR, SCREEN, CLEANING NEEDLE, and graphite GASKET is present! An ADDITIONAL replacement set of. CLEANING NEEDLE, and an assortment of graphite GASKETS and extra PIPS are still neatly nestled inside the gleaming steel Pump Barrel! This stove has an original NEAR PERFECT sunflower-yellow INSTRUCTION LABEL (water decal)! An intact,’undamaged’ INSTRUCTION LABEL is the’sine qua non’ for the collector of these Stoves as the decal rarely survived more that several uses of the Stove, being very susceptible to damage from both gasoline and heat!! The decal includes instructions under the following headings. The tiny walnut CLEANING KNOB and the black (unique to the Aladdin model). Bakelite’ CONTROL KNOB with the word. In the “stylized” serif font unique to the. Model are present and move freely! The folding LEGS with their bright copper springs snap in place correctly! The knurled FUEL CAP is nickel-plated (unique to the Aladdin model), not brass, and is free of scratches or damage from pliers! The flexible rubber Fuel Cap GASKET is present! ZERO dents to the stainless steel TANK ; no welded repairs, no bends to the pot support arms, no scratches! The seal of leather pump CUP/GASKET is solid and the the pump generates pressure! In addition to being a very, very attractive example suitable for a static display, and although untested, I suspect is serviceable or could easily be brought up to operational standard. These very durable M1942-Modified Stoves have stood the test of time, and fortunately after-market washers, gaskets, are available from various sources such as Old Coleman Parts. How the Aladdin Lamp Came to Be. The Aladdin lamp has an amazing and rich history, that all started with the vision and innovation of Victor S. Johnson over a century ago. As a small boy on a farm in Nebraska, Victor Samuel Johnson Feb. 6, 1882 – Aug. 29, 1943 read the Arabian Nights story of Aladdin in a room of darkness except for the flickering yellow light of an open flame coal oil lamp. Later, as an adult, he found a new, bright light – it was called the “Practicus” from Germany. Johnson obtained rights to sell this lamp and then improved on its design. He would go on to call his new lamp the ” Aladdin, ” from the stories of his childhood, and the rest, is history. Timeline of Aladdin History. 1908 – Victor S. Johnson founded the Mantle Lamp Company of America in Chicago, Illinois. 1911 – First mantle designed and patented by Charles H. Smith for Aladdin, called the Kone Kap mantle, first used on Model 3. 1915 – The Aladdin Model 6 lamp won a gold medal at the Panama Pacific International Exhibition for the best kerosene lamp in the world. 1926 – The name of the company was changed to Aladdin Industries. 1926 – Johnson bought the Lippincott Glass factory in Alexandria, Indiana to make glass lamps, chimneys and shades. 1926 – A factory was built on a 13-acre site, which was incorporated into a village called Aladdin with 22 residents. 1926 – Agents were recruited to sell throughout the country door-to-door, leaving lamps in the home for an overnight trial. 1928 – The company turned solely to franchise dealers (some 15,000 in the 1930s). 1928 – Model 12 introduced the first Lox-On chimneys and the first Lox-On mantles. 1931 – The Lox-On Mantle is patented. 1932 – Model A introduced a switch from central draft to “Nu-Type” side draft burners; with the center draft tube removed, lamp fonts could now be made of glass as well as metal. 1937 – Ohio River flooded Louisville and Cincinnati; Aladdin rushed lamps to thousands stranded without power. 1944 – Aladdin aided the war effort in WWII: they were granted permission by War Production Board to use copper to make burners which reduced need for copper wire to electrify homes; burners used in Servel refrigerators helped preserve serum and plasma on the battlefields; Aladdin also developed the midget foxhole stove, pressure lantern, barometric bomb detonation fuse, and permeability tuning for radios and precision parts for military radio equipment. 1945 – Victor S. 1949 – The Mantle Lamp Company merged with its subsidiary Aladdin Industries, Inc. 1949 – The company moved the central office from Chicago to Nashville, Tennessee. Background and History of the M1942-Modified Stove. From the absolutely exceptional SKICOLORADO’S BLOG: STEVE’S LIFE IN COLORADO. In November 1939, the Soviet Union invaded Finland in what is known as the Winter War. The battle lasted just over 3 months and ended with the Moscow Peace Treaty in March of 1940. The Soviet forces greatly outnumbered the Finnish military in soldiers, aircraft and tanks, however, their losses were more than 5 times greater. Many around the globe took notice of the Finn’s guerrilla tactics, using ski troopers on cross-country skis and wearing white capes as camouflage. It is also interesting to note that only two months prior to the Soviet invasion, Germany invaded Poland. Back in the U. Skiing advocates were encouraging the Army to develop a training system to produce our own ski troopers and rock climbers, especially after seeing the success of the Finnish troopers. What surprises me a little is that, amidst the Great Depression of the late 1930s, there were outdoors-men who were climbing and skiing around the country. Somehow, I just never visualized that skiing was going on during the Great Depression. Contrast that activity with my father’s childhood memory of growing up in Chicago in the late 1930s and 1940s, when he said to me, You know that saying,’If the shoe fits wear it’? When I was a kid, we’d go to school and there was a big pile of used shoes in the hallway. We were all kinda’ poor, so the teachers would say,’Here are some shoes. If the shoe fits wear it’. I wonder if that’s where that saying came from? Anyway, the Great Depression was a time experienced differently for many people. In 1941, and likely prior to December 7. And under the deadline of 60 days, the Coleman Company of Wichita, Kansas, was given the charge of producing a quart-sized, all-weather, single-burner stove which could be carried by a soldier. In record time, they produced the Coleman 520 stove, and seems to have been designated by the military as the M-1941 (though its actual full military designation is still unclear), which is the common term used by people to describe the AGM version. A second company, American Gas Machine Company (AGM), of Albert Lea, Minnesota, was also contracted to manufacture the Coleman design. According to documents I’ve read, over one million of these 520 stoves were produced during the war. The 520/M-1941 first saw service during the Africa campaign beginning in late 1942. By the time the Africa campaign began in 1942, construction of Camp Hale, in Colorado, was pretty much completed and U. Ski troopers were being trained in skiing, climbing, winter survival and ordinance. Camp Hale eventually became known for its 10th MOUNTAIN DIVISION. Somewhere, in this same time-frame, BESTOR ROBINSON, a lawyer, mountaineer and director of the Sierra Club in California prior to WWII, was assigned to a team at the U. Army’s Office of the Quartermaster General with the role of improving clothing and equipment for the army’s mountain divisions. The team was led by Robert Bates, who was an avid mountaineer, and it’s worth reading his short bio. During this time, Robinson, was granted patents for the design of a compact stove, which is regularly called the “mountain stove” by many today. His patent designs for the stove and various parts of it can be found by searching the web for these numbers: Patent No. The contract to build the new little stove was apparently awarded to the Aladdin Industries subsidiary of the Mantle Lamp Company of America or Mantle Lamp themselves, and manufactured under the name Aladdin , similar to the parent company’s well-known lamps. It’s kind of confusing exactly who made it, since The Mantle Lamp Company made Aladdin lamps, and they had a subsidiary with the same name, plus, Mantle Lamp eventually merged with Aladdin. Aladdin is still in business today. You may be familiar with some of their products which sell under the Stanley vacuum bottle name and other food and beverage containers. The first model of the stove is commonly called the “wheel stove”, by many collectors, because of the horizontal wheel used to operate the stove’s burner. My understanding is that the wheel design was to allow troopers to operate the stove in cold weather without removing their gloves or mittens. This model was only made by Aladdin and only in 1943. For reasons unknown to me, the stove was modified from the wheel design to one somewhat more conventional after only one year, particularly in the valve stem. This second stove model is known, and is stamped, as the M-1942 MOD, where MOD denotes modified. The model was also produced by Aladdin in 1944, and Prentiss Wabers a. Known as Preway of Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin and possibly by one other company (possibly Coleman), however, I have been unable to confirm this. In 1945, the M-1942 MOD was produced by Aladdin, Prentiss Wabers and Coleman. I’ve never seen manufacturing year stamps past 1945, so it appears that the stove was very short-lived with a production run of only three years.

WW2 Mountain Gas STOVE, Complete! Stamped on the windscreen is. This appears to have only been used once! Stainless Single-Burner Steel Gasoline Stove for the Mountain Ski troops, First Special Service Force, Tankers (Armored personnel), Marines! Designed initially for the Ski/Mountain troops, this piece of equipment made it’s way into the supply system of even the U. Ernie Pyle, the beloved correspondent who traveled with the troop in Europe and the Pacific (and was killed on Ie Shima, Okinawa in 1945) remarked that next to the Jeep, this piece of gear was, emminently, the most useful piece of gear ever issued! This Stove was vastly. Wheel’ model produced in 1943. This example was made by “Coleman Appliances” C. , one of three contractors. Of the three contractors, surprisingly, COLEMAN had a contract ONLY for this year… This unit has ALL of the parts: the Multi-purpose ADJUSTMENT WRENCH , the SPARE PARTS HOUSIN G with extra CONTENTS stored in the Pump Assembly an UNISSUED Generator Assembly STOCK NO. Included is the 2-piece Bayonet “F” Aluminum CANISTER provided to all three manufacturers from the C. ” and dated “1945” that served as both “cooking pots” and as “carrying container. The Brass FUEL CAP, PUMP, SPRING, and the supple, freshly-oiled LEATHER PLUNGER GASKE T function smoothly. The “Bakelite” VALVE KNOB is the correct Dark-Maroon Coleman model (NOT Black, as are the other manufacturers) and the points of the 5-stars are broader which is correct for the Coleman model. The knurled PUMP CAP is Solid Brass (NOT Nickel plated as is the Aladdin Cap). The original Wooden KNOB for the CLEANING NEEDLE is present. Needle is in Perfect condition and moves freely. GLISTENING, DENT-free Stainless Steel TANK, WINDSCREEN, AND POT SUPPORT ARMS. ZERO rust, corrosion, dents or scratches! The Fold-out FEET are the unique Coleman design with the smooth slope (NOT the angled design of the Prentiss-Wabers). They move freely and stay in place. This example retains an intact, PERFECT for its age! These Decals rarely survived more than several’uses’ being destroyed by both heat and exposure to fuel. These Decals were very delicate perishable and rarely survived more than several uses of the Stove. This one has NOT suffered from the heat, gasoline, or scratching from other gear! The POT-SUPPORT ARMS are “square-cut” at the pivot point, unlike those of the 1944 Aladdin model. They show ZERO heat discoloration or carbon build-up! The multi-pupose TOOL has the correct Coleman SCREWDRIVER BLADE , i. Flat round bevel on the opposite sid e (NOT hammered as are the Prentiss-Wabers and Aladdin models). WW2 Stoves Background from Sklcolorado blog. In 1941, and likely prior to December 7th, and under the deadline of 60 days, the Coleman Company of Wichita, Kansas, was given the charge of producing a quart-sized, all-weather, single-burner stove which could be carried by a soldier. In record time, they produced the Coleman 520 stov e, and seems to have been designated by the military as the M-1941 (though its actual full military designation is still unclear), which is the common term used by people to describe the AGM version. A second company, American Gas Machine Company (AGM), of Albert Lea, Minnesota, was also contracted to manufacture the Coleman design. According to documents I’ve read, over one million of these 520 stoves were produced during the war. The 520/M-1941 first saw service during the Africa campaign beginning in late 1942. By the time the Africa campaign began in 1942, construction of Camp Hale , in Colorado, was pretty much completed and U. Ski troopers were being trained in skiing, climbing, winter survival and ordinance. Camp Hale eventually became known for its 10th Mountain Division. Somewhere, in this same timeframe, Bestor Robinson, a lawyer, mountaineer and director of the Sierra Club in California prior to WWII, was assigned to a team at the U. Army’s Office of the Quartermaster General with the role of improving clothing and equipment for the army? The team was led by Robert Bates who was an avid mountaineer, and it’s worth reading his short bio. During this time, Robinson , was granted patents for the design of a compact stove, which is regularly called the “mountain stove” by many today. His patent designs for the stove and various parts of it can be found by searching the web for these numbers: Patent No. The contract to build the new little stove was apparently awarded to the Aladdin Industries subsidiary of The Mantle Lamp Company of America or Mantle Lamp themselves, and manufactured under the name Aladdin, similar to the parent company? It’s kind of confusing exactly who made it, since The Mantle Lamp Company made Aladdin lamps, and they had a subsidiary with the same name, plus, Mantle Lamp eventually merged with Aladdin. Aladdin is still in business today. You may be familiar with some of their products which sell under the Stanley vacuum bottle name and other food and beverage containers. The first model of the stove is commonly called the “wheel stove, ” by many collectors, because of the horizontal wheel used to operate the stove? My understanding is that the wheel design was to allow troopers to operate the stove in cold weather without removing their gloves or mittens. This model was only made by Aladdin and only in 1943. For reasons unknown to me, the stove was modified from the “wheel” design to one somewhat more conventional after only one year, particularly in the valve stem. This second stove model is known, and is stamped, as the M-1942 MOD. The model was also produced by Aladdin in 1944, and Prentiss Wabers a. Known as Preway of Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin and possibly by one other company (possibly Coleman), however, I have been unable to confirm this. In 1945, the M-1942 MOD. Was produced by Aladdin, Prentiss Wabers and Coleman. Coincidentally, Aladdin and AGM/Thermos ended up in court over the right to manufacture vacuum bottles in the late 1950s. It seems that the term thermos became a generic name, much the same way that the word Kleenex is used instead of facial tissue, or when Xerox was a generic term for making a duplicate paper copy. I’ve never seen manufacturing year stamps past 1945, so it appears that the stove was very short-lived with a production run of only three years; one year being the wheel stove and two years as the MOD-ified stove. Unts (tanks), steel pot-suov. Pport/burner frames, and steel tip-cleaner stems, this stove doesn’t get destroyed by rust. However, I’ve worked on two 1943, M-1942 “Wheel” stove. S , which is the early model, and it is not made of stainless steel and can have rust in places where the zinc has worn off. The stove itself is a good design and I’ve found it reliable and enjoyable to use. The tank is stainless steel and I’ve never seen the M-1942 MOD with rust in it or on it. It will typically need a good cleaning, especially because it was designed to run on regular gasoline and was regularly used with that fuel. The gasoline will leave sediment in the tank and generally clog the vaporizer screen. The item “WW2 Mountain Gas Stove M1942-MOD. (C. A. 1945) Coleman & Canister. MINT” is in sale since Tuesday, May 11, 2021. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Militaria\WW II (1939-45)\Original Period Items\United States\Field Gear, Equipment”. The seller is “bataan12213″ and is located in Little Rock, Arkansas. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Conflict: WW II (1939-45)
- Theme: Militaria
- Original/Reproduction: Original
- Region of Origin: United States
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Modified Item: No

CHECK OUT MY OTHER LISTINGS!!! Lots of great optics currently available! This is a : Leupold Vari-X IIc 6-18×40 AO Rifle Scope, Target / Long Range / Hunting, USA Made in MINT condition I see NO signs of previous usage.. This is NOT the VX-2 with the TALL turrets. Adjustable Objective (AO) adjust from. 50 yards -100 – 200 – 400 yards to infinity. According to scopes serial number, it was manufactured in 1999. NO BOX or paperwork with it BUT. BUTLER CREEK lens Scope Covers. Leupold VX-II Rifle Scopes are built to meet the demands of serious hunters and shooters. The VX-II comes standard with the Multicoat 4 lens system for a crisp and bright picture in all conditions. Other features include a lockable fast focus eyepiece, a tactile power indicator and 1/4 MOA adjustments. The Leupold VX-II is covered by the Leupold Full Lifetime Guarantee. Objective Diameter: 45.7mm. Eye Relief: 4.7. Field of View at 100 Yards. Thanks for looking in. The item “Leupold Vari-X IIc 6-18×40 AO Rifle Scope, Target / Long Range / Hunting, USA, MINT” is in sale since Monday, April 5, 2021. This item is in the category “Sporting Goods\Hunting\Scopes, Optics & Lasers\Rifle Scopes”. The seller is “ta-ss-os” and is located in Glenview, Illinois. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Brand: Leupold
- Color: Matte Black
- Model: Vari-X IIc
- Reticle: Duplex
- Maximum Magnification: 18X
- MPN: Serial Number # 107700G
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Lens Diameter: 40mm

Litton LRR-104 Mark V Miniature LASER Rangefinder. Note : This rangefinder is not eye-safe. It uses a Nd:YAG 1064 nm laser! ABSOLUTELY NO INTERNATIONAL SALES OF THIS ITEM! This is a very hard-to-find, top-of-the-line laser rangefinder for extreme distances. Users have ranged things out to just short of 6 miles with them (unit is military, so it ranges in meters). This specific unit was a backup unit at a weather service interested in ceiling height, so if it was ever used, it was treated very carefully and looks absolutely brand-new! It was made for the US Air Force under Contract No. I tested it and seems to work fine. I have not trested for range or accuracy. Training filter (attenuates laser so that it can be used for short-range training). Canvas case (SN written on top, otherwise completely clean). Takes 3 standard AA batteries. Please visit my store for more interesting electronic/scientific equipment. Im cleaning up my lab and ham radio shack, so please check my other auctions for interesting electronics, laboratory, Geiger, nuclear scintillation, radiation counters, ham radio, professional RF, EMP/x-flare protection, high power laser, CNC, embedded development tools, robotics, biomedical instrumentation, Quantum Physics, ultra-high vacuum, Quantum optics, radio astronomy, amateur deep space network reception, moonbouncing, and x-ray equipment. What you see is what you get! The sale is final. What you see is what you get. No other items included unless specifically stated in the description. Item is believed to be in working condition unless stated otherwise. Please make sure that you understand what you are purchasing. THE SALE IS FINAL. I expressly disclaim any and all warranties, express or implied, including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and functionality. No support is provided with the sale. No other payments accepted. I will not make any exceptions. The item “MINT Litton LRR-104 Mk V Handheld Military Laser Rangefinder 5 Mile Range! RARE” is in sale since Tuesday, February 2, 2021. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Militaria\Surplus\Personal, Field Gear\Opticals”. The seller is “nutty_scientist” and is located in Voorhees, New Jersey. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Brand: Litton
- Modified Item: No
- Model: LRR-104 Mark V
- Theme: Militaria
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Reticle: Rangefinder
- MPN: LRR-104 Mark V
Incoming search terms:

WW2 Mountain/ Ski Gas COLEMAN STOVE, U. 1945 Near Mint!! This one’s a true BEAUTY! Contrary to what many collectors have concluded about its association with Mountain/Ski troops, this Stove was designed for and made available to all ground troops: Armored personnel, Rangers, Paratroopers, even the Seabees and the U. This was the lightweight answer to foxhole cooking needs. This Stove, also referred to as a G. Pocket stove, ” is complete with a ” SPARE GENERATOR ASSEMBLY, Stock No. This “M1942 – MODIFIED” Stove” was made by COLEMAN APPLIANCE of Wichita, Kansas, one of three contractors of this “MODIFIED second, vastly improved model Stove. Of the three makers, COLEMAN APPLIANCE, ONLY made Stoves in the production year of “1945, ” which makes this a VERY desireable model. The other two manufacturers produced this Stove, Aladdin and Prentiss Wabers P. Produced stoves in both 1944 and 1945. After those two years, production of this Stove ceased altogether. The Prentiss Wabers modified Stoves are most commonly encountered, followed by Aladdin , but those made by Coleman Appliance are LEAST frequently found! This is aVERY CLEAN example! The ORIGINAL Decal is present in its entirety, intact, but crinkled. ” These highly perishable, bordered ” Sunflower Yellow INSTRUCTIONAL DECALS rarely survived exposure to heat and fuel, or were scratched up extremely easily. Both of the ORIGINAL KNOBS are present (the small turned Wooden one and the Black Bakelite Control Knob). The glistening, bright Stainless Steel TANK is completely free of dents, scratches, rust, corrosion, or damage of any sort! The Folding FEET , and the POT SUPPORT ARMS are in perfect shape and operate smoothly. The Brass FUEL CAP and Pressure PUMP ASSEMBLY are free of tarnishing and in absolutely perfect condition with REPLACEMENT PARTS still inside! The Leather GASKET in the Pump is supple and works smoothly, freshly oiled with NEATSFOOT OIL! This Stove was issued as evidenced by the DECAL and the traces of carbon on the SPIRIT CUP from very, very limited use it would appear. Coleman Appliance Company History. The Coleman Company, Inc. Is one of the most famous and successful manufacturers of camping equipment and outdoor recreational products. Coleman is the market leader in lanterns and stoves for outdoor recreational use, and it has created a loyal consumer following for a broad range of insulated food and beverage containers, sleeping bags, backpacks, tents, outdoor folding furniture, portable electric lights, and other recreational accessories. The company’s Powermate unit produces portable generators and portable and stationary air compressors. Coleman also makes and markets book bags, backpacks, and related products under the Eastpak and Timberland brand names. Although its stock is publicly traded, the Coleman Company is controlled by Sunbeam Corporation , which owns 79 percent of the company. The founder of the company, William Coffin Coleman, was born to a young couple who migrated west to Kansas from New England in 1871. Coleman became a schoolteacher in Kansas and later entered the University of Kansas Law School. Working the southern part of the United States, he found himself in Brockton, Alabama, a poor coal mining community with dirt streets and wood sidewalks. According to company lore, as Coleman was taking an evening walk down one of the town’s streets, he noticed the intense white glow of a lamp in a drugstore window. The lamp, which was powered by gasoline, was so bright that even with his bad eyesight Coleman was able to read under it easily. Since most people at that time used flickering gaslights, smoky oil lamps, or dim carbon filament light bulbs, Coleman immediately saw the lamp as an important step forward. Coleman arranged to sell this new type of lamp for the Irby-Gilliland Company of Memphis , and traveled to Kingfisher, Oklahoma, to begin his new venture. Since the lamps could not be cleaned, they clogged with carbon deposits which snuffed the light out after a short time. The salesman had left a bit too quickly, and the shopkeepers felt swindled. If the lamps failed, the customer did not have to pay. The business flourished as Coleman reinvested profits and branched out into neighboring communities. Not long afterward, he founded the Hydro-Carbon Light Company. In 1902 requests for his lighting service were so numerous that he decided to move the business to Wichita, Kansas, and establish a permanent headquarters. Ever on the lookout for original ways to market his lamps, Coleman in 1905 arranged for the Arc Lamps to provide the lighting for a night football game. Wartime Contributions of COLEMAN APPLIANCE. By 1909 Coleman had invented a portable table lamp with a gasoline tank designed as a small fount with a flat base. Bug screens were later added to protect the mantles during outdoor use. In 1914 the company developed the Coleman gasoline lantern for use in inclement weather. When World War I broke out, the Allies requested U. Wheat and corn to replenish their food supplies. During World War I, the company made over one million lamps for American farmers. The company grew steadily in the 1920s. Although electricity came to the smaller towns across the United States, most rural areas had to wait. Coleman thus found its largest markets in rural areas, with ever increasing sales of gasoline stoves, used both as camp stoves and cook stoves, and lamps and lanterns. The company also established international operations with a manufacturing plant and headquarters in Toronto. By the end of the 1920s the reputation of the Coleman lantern was firmly established, and various accounts of its use were reported: Admiral Byrd used the lantern on his trip to the South Pole; on Pitcairn Island the descendants of British mutineers from the Bounty and their Tahitian families illuminated primitive homes with Coleman lanterns; and Coleman lantern-lit runways in the Andes made emergency landings possible. The company was not entirely successful in developing new products and markets. During the late 1920s, Coleman made a line of waffle irons, coffee percolators, toasters, and electric irons. Coleman could not, however, compete with Westinghouse Electric Corporation and General Electric Company and withdrew these product lines quickly. William Coffin Coleman known as W. To the rest of the company designed a coffee maker for restaurants and hotels. Although it brewed excellent coffee, the machine was complicated to handle and difficult to clean. It was commercially unsuccessful and the company halted its production. Coleman was hit very hard when the stock market crashed in 1929. During the next two years, the Great Depression severely affected almost every industry in the nation. Inevitably, the company experienced financial losses, but a good working relationship with a number of banks helped Coleman to overcome the worst years of the depression. After Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected to the U. Presidency in 1932, he launched a massive program for rural electrification, and Coleman was faced with a decline in its market for gasoline stoves and lights. At the same time, Coleman’s portable stove and lantern business was making headway in the camping equipment market, and the international operation was beginning to reap significant profits. When World War II began, Coleman was called upon to manufacture products for the various branches of the U. Armed services, including 20-millimeter shells for the Army, projectiles for the Navy, and parts for the B-29 and B-17 bombers for the Air Force. In June 1942 the company was notified by the Army Quartermaster Corps with an urgent request–field troops needed a compact stove that could operate at 125 degrees above and 60 degrees below zero, was no larger than a quart bottle of milk, and could burn any kind of fuel. Moreover, the Army wanted 5,000 of the stoves delivered in two months. Coleman worked nonstop to design and manufacture a stove to the Army’s specifications. The end product was better than the Army had requested: the stove could work at 60 degrees below and 150 degrees above Fahrenheit; it could burn all kinds of fuel; it weighed a mere three and one-half pounds; and it was smaller than a quart bottle of milk. The first order for 5,000 units was flown to U. Forces involved in the November 1942 invasion of North Africa. Ernie Pyle, the famous World War II journalist who wrote about the common man’s experience in the war, devoted 15 articles to the Coleman pocket stove and considered it one of the two most important pieces of noncombat equipment in the war effort, the other being the Jeep. When the war ended, Coleman’s business boomed. Since the company had been manufacturing products for the armed services during the war, there was an enormous backlog of demand for its regular products, which had been off the market. At the start of the decade, there were four main divisions of Coleman products: oil space heaters accounted for 30 percent of sales; gas floor furnaces, 30 percent; camp stove and gasoline lanterns, 20 percent ; and military contracts to supply Boeing Co. With airplane parts for the B-47 bomber, 20 percent. From the exceptional summary, ” SklColorado: Steve’s Life in Colorado”. By the time the Africa campaign began in 1942, construction of Camp Hale, in Colorado, was pretty much completed and U. Ski troopers were being trained in skiing, climbing, winter survival and ordinance. Camp Hale eventually became known for its 10th Mountain Division. Bestor Robinsons Stove Patent Drawings. Somewhere, in this same timeframe, Bestor Robinson , a lawyer, mountaineer and director of the Sierra Club in California prior to WWII, was assigned to a team at the U. Army’s Office of the Quartermaster General with the role of improving clothing and equipment for the army’s mountain divisions. The team was led by Robert Bates , who was an avid mountaineer, and it’s worth reading his short bio. During this time, Robinson, was granted patents for the design of a compact stove, which is regularly called the “mountain stove” by many today. His patent designs for the stove and various parts of it can be found by searching the web for these numbers: Patent No. The contract to build the new little stove was apparently awarded to the Aladdin Industries subsidiary of The Mantle Lamp Company of America or Mantle Lamp themselves, and manufactured under the name Aladdin , similar to the parent company’s well-known lamps. It’s kind of confusing exactly who made it, since The Mantle Lamp Company made Aladdin lamps, and they had a subsidiary with the same name, plus, Mantle Lamp eventually merged with Aladdin. Aladdin is still in business today. You may be familiar with some of their products which sell under the Stanley vacuum bottle name and other food and beverage containers. The first model of the stove is commonly called the “wheel stove, ” by many collectors, because of the horizontal wheel used to operate the stove’s burner. My understanding is that the wheel design was to allow troopers to operate the stove in cold weather without removing their gloves or mittens. This model was only made by Aladdin and only in 1943. For reasons unknown to me, the stove was modified from the wheel design to one somewhat more conventional after only one year, particularly in the valve stem. This second stove model is known, and is stamped, as the M-1942 MOD , where MOD denotes modified. The model was also produced by Aladdin in 1944, and Prentiss Wabers a. Known as Preway of Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin and possibly by one other company (possibly Coleman), however, I have been unable to confirm this. In 1945, the M-1942 MOD was produced by Aladdin, Prentiss Wabers and Coleman. Coincidentally, Aladdin and AGM/Thermos ended up in court over the right to manufacture vacuum bottles in the late 1950s. It seems that the term thermos became a generic name, much the same way that the word Kleenex is used instead of facial tissue, or when Xerox was a generic term for making a duplicate paper copy. I’ve never seen manufacturing year stamps past 1945, so it appears that the stove was very short-lived with a production run of only three years; one year being the wheel stove and two years as the MOD-ified stove. What gives this stove such a long life, is that it is mostly stainless steel and brass. Unlike other stoves of the same era, which have steel founts (tanks), steel pot-support/burner frames, and steel tip-cleaner stems, this stove doesn? T get destroyed by rust. However, I’ve worked on two 1943, M-1942 “Wheel” Stoves , which is the early model, and it is not made of stainless steel and can have rust in places where the zinc has worn off. The stove itself is a good design and I’ve found it reliable and enjoyable to use. The tank is stainless steel and I’ve never seen the M-1942 MOD with rust in it or on it. It will typically need a good cleaning, especially because it was designed to run on regular gasoline and was regularly used with that fuel. The gasoline will leave sediment in the tank and generally clog the vaporizer screen. It had a spirit cup for preheating the vaporizer a. Generator, folding feet and pot supports and an 8 ounce tank. Robert Bates, contributor to the design of the M-1942- MOD. Stove and other WWII U. Bates was born in Philadelphia and was the son of William Bates, a classical scholar at the University of Pennsylvania. He briefly attended the William Penn Charter School, and then Phillips Exeter Academy. He attended Harvard University from 1929 to 1935. At Harvard he was a member of the Harvard Mountaineering Club and with Charles Houston, Adams Carter, Bradford Washburn and Terris Moore was part of the group of climbers later known as the “Harvard Five” who would push forward the standards of American mountaineering in the 1930s. In 1937 Bates, with Bradford Washburn, made the first ascent of Mount Lucania in Yukon, which was then the highest unclimbed mountain in North America. It was also one of the most remote and inaccessible and had been declared “virtually impregnable”. The pair enlisted the aid of the pilot Robert Reeve to fly them to the mountain, but when they landed on the Walsh Glacier the aeroplane sank into the unexpectedly soft snow. After they had spent five days digging it out Reeve departed, warning Bates and Washburn that he would not be able to return to collect them as planned and that they would have to walk back to civilization. The pair climbed Mount Lucania, and the nearby Mount Steele, and were then faced with a 100-mile (160 km) trek through wilderness to Burwash Landing, without maps. They abandoned some of their food to save weight, expecting to restock at a cache left behind by an earlier expedition. However, the cache had been plundered by bears, and Bates and Washburn survived on mushrooms and squirrels during the trek out. Flooded rivers forced them to detour many miles out of their way, and they had eventually walked an estimated 156 miles by the time they reached Burwash Landing, 32 days after arriving on the glacier. The two men lost around twenty pounds each during the walk out. In 1937, Charles Houston invited Bates on an expedition to K2 for 1938, the world’s second highest mountain. It was the first expedition to the mountain for nineteen years, and while the focus was on reconnaissance and assessing the feasibility of different routes, Bates was part of a group which reached within 800 m of the summit on the Abruzzi Spur, which would become the preferred route on the mountain. The expedition failed due to bad weather and the illness of Art Gilkey, but was widely praised for the courage shown by the team in their unsuccessful attempt to save Gilkey. During the descent, Bates and five other climbers were involved in a near-fatal fall, saved only by the strength of Pete Schoening, who was the last man on the rope. Bates later received the David A. Sowles Memorial Award for his part in the attempted rescue. During the Second World War Bates served in the United States Army and was assigned to the Office of the Quartermaster general, where he worked on the development of improved equipment and clothing for the army’s mountain divisions. He recruited a skilled wartime team that included mountaineers William P. Wood III, Bestor Robinson , H. Adams Carter, Terris Moore, Bradford Washburn and Australian arctic explorer Hubert Wilkins. He reached the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and was awarded a Bronze Star and the Legion of Merit. After the war, Bates taught English at Phillips Exeter Academy. He continued mountaineering throughout his life, and at the age of 74 led an expedition which made the first ascent of Ulugh Muztagh in China. He also spent a year in Kathmandu directing a Peace Corps project, and served as president of the American Alpine Club , which awards the Robert Hicks Bates Award to promising young climbers in his honour. Bates was the author of several books. With Charles Houston he wrote accounts of their two K2 expeditions as Five Miles High and K2 – The Savage Mountain ; the latter being regarded as a mountaineering classic. He also wrote Mystery, Beauty, and Danger , a study of mountaineering literature, and Mountain Man: The Story of Belmore Brown , the biography of an artist and explorer. His autobiography, The Love of Mountains Is Best , was published in 1994. The item “WW2 Mountain Gas STOVE Coleman M1942-MOD. / C. A. 1945 Near Mint” is in sale since Wednesday, January 13, 2021. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Militaria\WW II (1939-45)\Original Period Items\United States\Field Gear, Equipment”. The seller is “bataan12213″ and is located in Little Rock, Arkansas. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Theme: Militaria
- Modified Item: No
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Original/Reproduction: Original
- Region of Origin: United States
- Conflict: WW II (1939-45)

WWII USMC Army Mountain Ski Stove stamped. Complete with Wrench/Tool, Spare Part and Housing, as well as the ORIGINAL Decal (in wonderful condition) with Instructions, ALL Near Mint to Mint condition!! It APPEARS to be as close to New Old Stock, apart from having been test-lit, perhaps, when issued. There were three contracts for this Stove: one with Prentis-Waber, one with Coleman Appliance, as well as this 1945 contract with ALADDIN. The Stove comes with a Wrench and a Spare Part Receptacle, both of which clip ingeniously to the vertical pot supports. The stove weighs 674 grams with the tool, no fuel, and no spare parts. The pot supports and tank are of stainless steel. Bestor Robinson, the inventor of the stove, was an U. Citizen, a rock climber, and a skier. He was also Club Vice President of the San Francisco Bay Chapter of the Sierra Club. He advised the U. Army with mountain training, climbing, and skiing. Many members of the Sierra Club joined what would be the 10th Mountain Division ski troops. Robinson filed six separate patents for this Stove! Designed for the Mountain Troops operating in fuel-scarce terrain above tree line (as well as inside a well-ventilated Mountain Tent, with the Canvas Duck Patch on the floor for its use), these were widely sought after, prized, and used by ALL branches in all theaters, including Armored personnel as well as troops in the Pacific. Perfect for the foxhole chef. When you gotta have coffee, you gotta have coffee! ZERO dents, scratches on THIS Stove! Folding Legs, Pan/Pot Support Arms work perfectly. Fuel Cap, Pressure Pump functions, threads nicely! Both Knobs, Bakelite and Wood, are present and operate smoothly! This piece comes with the accompanying multi-purpose Adjusting Wrench AND Spare Part Housing and its contents which are invariably missing. The stove is well-marked, U. This Stove has an intact Instruction Label, the Sunflower Yellow water-decal with the Gold border which was extremely perishable, rarely surviving exposure to heat and spilled fuel for any length of time. This frosty-Mint assembly is a SUPERB example! The item “WW2 STOVE USMC Army Mountain Ski M1942 Aladdin 1945 WRENCH & SPARE PART Mint” is in sale since Wednesday, May 8, 2019. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Militaria\WW II (1939-45)\Original Period Items\United States\Field Gear, Equipment”. The seller is “bataan12213″ and is located in Little Rock, Arkansas. This item can be shipped to United States.
WWII USMC Army Mountain Ski Stove stamped. Complete with Wrench/Tool, as well as the ORIGINAL Decal with Instructions, ALL Mint!! It APPEARS to be as close to New Old Stock, apart from having been test-lit, perhaps, when issued. There were three contracts for this Stove: one with Prentis-Waber, one with Coleman Appliance, as well as this 1945 contract with ALADDIN. The Stove comes with a Wrench and a Spare Part Receptacle, both of which clip ingeniously to the vertical pot supports. The stove weighs 674 grams with the tool, no fuel, and no spare parts. The pot supports and tank are of stainless steel. Bestor Robinson, the inventor of the stove, was an U. Citizen, a rock climber, and a skier. He was also Club Vice President of the San Francisco Bay Chapter of the Sierra Club. He advised the U. Army with mountain training, climbing, and skiing. Many members of the Sierra Club joined what would be the 10th Mountain Division ski troops. Robinson filed six separate patents for this Stove! Designed for the Mountain Troops operating in fuel-scarce terrain above tree line (as well as inside a well-ventilated Mountain Tent, with the Canvas Duck Patch on the floor for its use), these were widely sought after, prized, and used by ALL branches in all theaters, including Armored personnel as well as troops in the Pacific. This is the more compact, lighter weight M1942 that could nestle inside the separate issue 3-piece Cook Set consisting of two Pots and a Lid/Pan, or the tall cylindrical 2-piece Canister which also served as cookware! Both the Cook Set and the Canister Carrier/ Cook Setwere manufactured separately by Massillon Aluminum, C. Manufacturing, and Rutenberg Electric NOT the same manufacturers of the Stoves Prentis-Waber, Aladdin, or Coleman Appliance! Perfect for the foxhole chef. When you gotta have coffee, you gotta have coffee! ZERO dents, scratches on THIS Stove! Folding Legs, Pan/Pot Support Arms work perfectly. Fuel Cap, Pressure Pump functions, generating pressure! Both Knobs, Bakelite and Wood, are present and operate smoothly! This piece comes with the accompanying multi-purpose Adjusting Wrench which is invariably missing. What IS missing (as is also often the case) is the tiny Rectangular Spare Part Housing which can found online. The stove is marked, U. This Stove has an intact Instruction Label, the Sunflower Yellow water-decal with the Gold border which was extremely perishable, rarely surviving exposure to heat and spilled fuel for any length of time! The 2-Piece aluminum Carrier which also functions as two Cooking Pots is marked U. / 1945 and is in EXCELLENT PLUS shape with only three exceedingly small dings 1 on the top edge, and 2 on the bottom edge. This GLEAMING assembly is a SUPERB example! The item “WW2 STOVE USMC Army Mountain Ski M1942 Aladdin 1945 WRENCH & CANISTER Mint” is in sale since Saturday, February 23, 2019. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Militaria\WW II (1939-45)\Original Period Items\United States\Field Gear, Equipment”. The seller is “bataan12213″ and is located in Little Rock, Arkansas. This item can be shipped to United States.
Incoming search terms:
- m1942 aladdin stove pump parts