Zest LOCATOR Original Genuine Replacement Caps Ext Range, Green 3-4 lbs 20-pack. The pivoting ability of LOCATOR Extended Range Males allows for insertion of the overdenture with up to 40 degrees of divergence. LOCATOR Males Green has retention force of 3-4 lbs. All LOCATOR Males include a unique Dual Retention feature that includes inside and outside retention, which provides the LOCATOR Attachment with a greater retention surface area than ever before available with other attachments, providing greater resiliency to maximize stability and durability. Packaging: 20 Pack Cat No: 08547-20.
LOCATOR Original Caps Selection Reference Chart. Which System Is This For? This is for the Locator Classic Original System. The Red Locator Caps have a retention of 0.5-1.5lbs /. The required tool for replacement of locator caps is either the Locator Core Tool (Part Number 08393), or the Universal Retention Caps Insertion/Extraction Tool (Part Number 488EIP-IQ). These caps are only compatible with the Classic Locator System. Red Locator Caps are available in packs of 4 or 20. The Following Graphic is a comparison of the Green Caps with the alternative Caps for the Classic Locator System.