AUDIOPHILE SPEAKER , HAMMER DYNAMICS SUPER – 12 — KIT — Uses a CUSTOM FULL RANGE DRIVER , with. Helper tweeter crossed over at about 10,000 Hz. THIS Is a diy Speaker — KIT — as your own creation you are limited only by your imagination! Also it is highly recommended that for. Safety the package be insured. If the Super 12’s were still being offered today as a new KIT — they would cost approx. The Custom Made 12 Fullrange driver covers from 45Hz to about 10kHz while a super tweeter takes over from 10 to 22kHz. Note that the midrange, the critical 1-4kHz range is still done by a Single driver. Plus it’s 97db and has a very easy to drive impedance plot. Here is a Quote from the original designer of the speaker John Wyckoff — The mission of Hammer Dynamics is to create great sounding, well balanced, high-sensitivity loudspeakers, to owners of low powered tube amps, for reasonable prices. Five years ago I was struck by the fact that there were no inexpensive high-efficiency loudspeakers on the market. Once I settled on a “full-range” approach I began testing most of the full-range drivers on the market. Not one of them gave me the sound I wanted no matter the price. The few, which had reasonable mids and highs, had no bass. The few, which had good bass, had lumpy mids and no highs. My solution to these problems was to design my own driver. My final design represents the best compromise I have been able to come to. The driver is capable of fast, accurate bass, silken mids and exceptional response to 10,000 Hz. I believe it is better to add a fast super-tweeter to a system than a slow sub-woofer. During my research I found that the usual 8-inch full-range drivers were never going to offer the kind of dynamic range I wanted so I finally settled on an ultra-light 12-inch. The entire moving mass of this driver is less than 29 grams. With a surface area of around three times that of an eight-inch driver the dynamic range is increased by a similar factor. The S-12 represents my efforts to create a loudspeaker that sounds like Quad ESLs with much greater dynamic range, sensitivity and another octave on the bass-end. This Speaker Kit is a great opportunity for someone to put together a simple to build speaker , but a Very Special sounding speaker that offers Outstanding Performance!! — This is a very easy to build design , one that really anyone could put together, the great thing about this kit is that with a minimum of time and effort it will show you that the Super-12’s can recreate Vocals, Percussion, Strings, and Wind instruments with Startling Reality. All the great jazz vocalists that I love, sound incredibly natural on these Super 12 Speakers : Nat King Cole, Sarah Vaughan, Sinatra, DeeDee Bridgewater, etc , ——- AND the SUPER 12’s can Rock out too if that mood strikes you, they have some of the best bass, the most have ever heard from a Full Range driver! The Hammer Dynamics Kit is a pretty straight forward design – (basically a rectangular box), the outside of the box can be modified if desired for your own aesthetics, but he inside should remain the same — in order to get the best out of it I really recommend Reading the directions and following them first – John took a long time to make sure he was getting the most out of this Custom Modified driver design…. usually what happens when people end up not following John’s plans and trying to modify it first… Well they just don’t sound as good as they could , … If you follow the directions — Outstanding Sound will be your Reward!!!! – there is only one report I have ever found of someone who didn’t love the speaker , but I never saw any information on How he built the kit and if he built it right – I do know of a few who didn’t think the sound was that great at first but all eventually admitted they had changed the design of the Super 12’s – when they were encouraged to build them according to the simple directions – they all said the sound was much better – then they really liked the Super 12 speakers too! Dimensions- 14.5W x 14.5D x 48 T (368mm x 368mm x 1219mm). Power requirements- 1 Watt RMS. Maximum power – 70 Watts peak. Two 12 drivers, two tweeters, all of the crossover components & a 30 page step by step instruction manual with photographs of the construction process. THERE IS A GOOD REVIEW OF THE SPEAKER BY A GREAT ONLINE AUDIO MAGAZINE. GO To ——- ENJOY THE MUSIC. Com ——– and Search For — HAMMER DYNAMICS, SUPER 12 SPEAKER. The above pictures are just a few Examples of how you could choose to finish your kit, they can be painted, either by roller or Spray painted, veneered, or simply Stain the wood & poly coat the speakers, there are many options…. You are only limited by your imagination , some have even used fabric or leather to cover the speaker and those turned out very nice —- a few even used Truck Bed Paint, which is very durable and can look nice as well. Check out what famous reviewers and satisfied customers think of these speakers! The deep bass is extended to about 40 Hz. While the midbass sounds tight and detailed. This represents a quantum leap in performance over my anemic Lowther PM2A rear-loaded horn. The Super 12 loudspeaker joins a select group of speakers that I could enjoy until the end of time. Yeo Chiau-Woon, DIY Paradise : Kudos to Hammer Dynamics for coming up with such a great product. Affordable, great sounding, high sensitivity. And also for the excellent support/customer service, second to none. Tim Adams, audiophile : The speakers just disappear to be replaced by a sound-stage that starts near my back wall on most recordingsAnd goes back Wayyy back. Excellent focus and Detail. Good Tonality- Bass is fast, Focused and Deep. As for vocal improvement. Last night I discovered that Elvis is in the building – mine. Gregg Roberts, audiophile : They make beautiful music! The sound is very nice, with real power, bass and dynamics. The sound stage is wide and deep, and well focused in the middle. Vocalists are sometimes in the room with you. I think the bass is the best I have heard from any speaker at any price. Bob Hedberg, audiophile : These speakers are in a league of their own. They have incredible dynamic range, are very sensitive, and provide a satisfying range of music from 40 hz up past 20 khz. Voices have real “presence”, and can be a bit startling at times. They also look very good, and the kit is easy to build, and works well. I used birch ply, and finished them in red mahogany. I do recommend putting a brace from side to side, centered internally, which stiffens them up considerably. They also do have a long break-in period, which must be observed before critical listening. JP, audiophile : They are like electrostatic headphones for your room. Joseph Santor, audiophile : These things sound like real music in front of you The Midrange resolution is truly stunning. John spent five years on this design before releasing it for sale. You may have noticed me mixing my tenses. John past tense, speakers present tense. That is because John Wyckoff sadly passed away, still a young man… John was very friendly man and super helpful…. He will be sorely missed in the Audio community. How did I find out about the Super 12? Ian has a pair. Thank you again, Ian. I’ll post later about my experience listening to this system if anyone is interested. HI , IF YOU WANT TO READ MORE IN- DEPTH REVIEWS SEE BELOW. Midrange clarity, lower midrange fullness, efficiency, cost. Owning a high end shop has afforded me an opportunity to listen to a wide range of speakers. Let me say that these speakers sound like live music. Forget the audiophile buzzwords like imaging, sound-staging, etc. These things sound like real music in front of you. They are coherent like electrostatics, but with micro dynamics that will have you reaching for the repeat button. The midrange resolution is truly stunning. The support from the designer is also without peer. If you don’t mind building your own speaker, you’d have to be crazy not to try these! Too numerous to list. I built mine with Baltic Birch plywood. Used extensive hardwood bracing inside the box. Used asphalt sheets on the rear wall and Deflex pads behind the speaker and on the back of the speaker magnet. I also used poster putty molded onto the speaker basket and pressed into the corners of the cabinet. The results were better than I expected. I put a bunch of extra work into this project but, you only get to build them once so go all out and reach for perfection. I like how the crossover frequency is at 10 KHz so it gets the phase shift out of the way of the more important frequencies. I love the musical presentation and the efficiency of 96 db is great for many amplifier options. I couldn’t be happier with them. It’s nice to come away from a Hi Fi show happy that my speakers are better than most of what the shows have offered. I wish they were still offered. Somebody else should step in and take over since the developer has sadly passed away. He was a success in his efforts. Easy load to drive (efficiency and impedance), goes deep, high with little strain. Midrange dispersion is bit limited. Looking for some higher-efficiency full-range stuff to help me get into the lower-powered SE amps, I took a chance on the Super-12 speakers (97dB, 8 ohms, Hammer Dynamics, — hammer dynamics com). The sound was really good right off. Deep (really deep in my room), high, smooth, loud if you want, with little strain. After breaking in, the sound smoothed out even more. All kinds of good tone, details, imaging, depth, dynamics, etc. I get good sound with the Decware Zen amp (about 1 or 2 watts), but switching to my Zen amp (Nelson Pass’s 10 watt design), the extension increases on both ends and the sound is noticeably smoother. My only criticisms are that the midrange dispersion is rather limited (it has to be with a 12-inch 2-way), they have a sweet spot , but it doesn’t affect my regular listening area. Its still really good, and is certainly more dynamic and full-range. I’m enjoying them. Considering that they didn’t cost me an arm and a leg, I’m REALLY enjoying them. They aren’t quite Avantgarde Duos, but they’re a lot Better than any speakers anywhere near this price that I know of, and are considerably easier to drive and More Dynamic. I recently built the Hammer Dynamic Speakers with all the tweaks from the web site including the outstanding Fostex FT17H tweeter. My favorite speaker is the Quad57 which I own and which I compare all other speakers to especially female vocals. The Hammer Dynamics are the closest sounding I have heard to my Quads. Of course it has more bass and treble and perhaps because of the additional treble it sounds more detailed than the Quads. The Quads though are still my favorite for listening to pure vocals but these Hammers really come close. The Hammers might actually have too much bass but putting them on spikes and damping them with the proper dampening material as mentioned on the web site can tame the bass somewhat. My friends dropped over recently to hear them. They are currently running Lowther Medallions. One friends comment was that the Hammers sounded more like the Quads and he was really impressed with the Bass. I asked him how do they compare to the Lowthers and he said that the Lowthers were more dynamic and more efficient but the Hammers had a lot more bass and sounded really warm like the Quads which also was his favorite speaker. He really was impressed with the Hammers. I cannot comment on the Lowthers since I last heard them about 3 years ago, but the Hammers are much easier to build than horn speakers. I should know I tried 3 years ago and gave up. Full Member – Audiocircle Forum. A good friend of mine has a pair of Hammers that he drives with a Ram tube amp. The sound is simply great. High sensitivity speakers never sound right to me at very high volumes………. But short of that they are nearly perfect. They really are fast and articulate. The good is well noted. The bad (and it is not really bad) is that Hammers get that beamy brash sound when pushed really hard (at least in my buds house). If I needed a high sensitivity speaker the Hammer would be it. The Super 12’s are markedly different from this commonly heard perception. I listen almost exclusively to Jazz. Mostly very heavy Jazz, the kind that drives most listeners out of the room right now. The smaller coned Full Range drivers – that is, everything else – do lack the dynamics to play anything but acoustic combo or solo music and voice properly. Remember, the magic of Full Range drivers comes from a single, crossover-less transducer covering the critical range from say 45-9500hz. Adding helpers above or below does not change that. But the small speaker cones usually used to render this critical range lack the necessary dynamics to portray other musical styles at what I consider satisfying levels with believable dynamics. There is a reason why they are called Hammer Dynamics Super 12’s. I read with amusement a post by a long time Lowther/Fostex listener complaining that his friend’s Super 12’s had way too much bass. There is simply no comparison. What I listen to is very demanding of speaker and amplifier performance. The amp has to be very accurate, lively and natural. The speaker must have believable dynamics and very high efficiency. I have never been even close to satisfied by the sound of any low efficiency speaker design or the amps needed to power them. When I want Cecil Taylor, Ornette Coleman, Sun Ra, Jimmy Lyons or later (more violent) John Coltrane, Michael Brecker or Bill Evans in the room, the Super 12’s deliver better than my 4345’s. The 4345’s whomp nearly any home made multi way design in dynamics and clarity. The Super 12’s deliver enough of that and some of the best imaging available anywhere, a very satisfying – and very full-bodied – experience. It seems to be in an entirely different class from other Full Range and Single Driver systems and should not be confused with them. In my 24 by 15 by 8 foot room, it is plenty loud enough, and that is with a three or four watt amp at nine o’clock. I listen to music. I’m not trying to impress a drunken frat party with an SPL but that’s where I like to listen at when listening to Jazz, as it is live. My bottom line on Full Range is that Hammer Dynamics Super 12’s don’t cost very much and can be extremely rewarding to listen to. If you build a pair of Super 12’s you will be in a pretty exclusive club. It is time to stop keeping these a secret. I’ve got them. I’ve had them for up and running for about 4 months now and they are truly amazing if you take the time to tweak them for optimal performance in YOUR system and room. There is a lot of room for reducing cabinet resonances, upgrading x-over components, bracing, etc. And that’s half the fun of DIY. I’ve only had a chance to try a few low power tubed SET amps so far, but the results were stunning! At the same time, the Super-12’s take on a whole’nother personae with some power behind them. Man, these things get fast and authoritative when driven by 20+ watts. (I’ve wondered what a Pass Aleph 30 would do). But, for now, I’m stuck with my Audio Refinement SS integrated until I can afford (and decide on) a SET or IT-coupled PP amp design. The main thing that drew me to the Super-12’s was their ability to deliver real bass. Hammer specs state 45-21kHz, but I’d swear that in my 20’x16’x8′ foot room I’m getting -3dB response in the 30-35Hz. Snare drums have snap, timpani’s rumble. Another Hammer owner, Tiangus, has used a meter to measure his in-room response in the 32-33Hz range using a 3/4W (0.75) Berning microZOTL headphone amp. Far louder than he needs. Of course, his apartment isn’t very large if I remember correctly. More importantly, the Super-12’s recreate vocals, percussion, strings, and wind instruments with startling reality. All the great jazz vocalists that I love sound incredibly natural: Nat King Cole, Sarah Vaughan, Sinatra, DeeDee Bridgewater, etc. I’ve just started getting into classical and Jacqueline du Pre’s cello has body, depth, and resonance. There’s something that the Super-12’s single driver (w/ supertweeter >10kHz) presents that presents the emotion of her performance in an entirely new fashion (for me). I have not noticed any beamy brash sound even when played really loud (in my house which is fairly damped 18×21 with opening to the dining and kitchen), although I have been running my speakers with the Adire subwoofer and crossing them over around 50hz. I have recently listened to them pretty far back >15′ and actually enjoy them more that way, seems to give a better image. By the way, the bass really never bothered me even without the spikes but a friend of mind mentioned that it sounded bass heavy so I added the spikes, no trace of it at all now. I have all 3 tweeters and the Fostex Tweeter makes a huge improvement as you must have heard from everyone who tried them, I haven’t tried padding the tweeter with different values yet, currently just using an 1/2 ohm resistor but it works fine for now. I’ve been enjoying the Hammers too much to really tear it apart and begin tweaking again. By the way, the Hammers sound great at low volumes and late at night too. Presence felt only at sweet spot, wispy highs. The best value high end speaker that one could ever use. The coherence of a single driver, the scale and ease of a 12 incher and the speed and rhythm of high efficiency. This is an absolutely amazing speaker that I would suggest everyone in the market for a speaker at this price level and beyond look at. I use it with minimal damping (except the felt at back and bubble wrap on the sides) with few Styrofoam peanuts for damping and an MDF cabinet. I use it with: Nottingham analog Hyperspace/SME4/VdH Grasshopper 4GLA/ANS2/Fi Yph//CJ DV2b cd player//SJS Model 1 pre-amp//Border Patrol 300BSE// and all Kimber mains; Yammamura and DNM cabling and interconnects. Very happy till the bug for some huge horns strikes me. I now have the Bottlehead Paraglow 2A3 amps and the Hammer Dynamic Super 12 speaker systems. I have in the past used a “huge” 15w push/pull triode amp, run into the Aria5/Raven1 speakers I bought from Zalytron. Also, I ran these triode amps into the Super 12 speakers. Other amps in the past have been Perreaux 3150, Krell KSA100MKll, B&K ST202, and Hafler. The Paraglows are stock except for the shielded solid core silver wire, a snubber, and some chassis dampening. I mention both of these together, because the sound is influenced alot by each other. The Paraglows are relaxed, with very fast sound, and great midrange. The treble is very extended and airy. The overall quality of the sound is neutral, with good dynamics for a 2.4 watt amplifier. I knew I would need efficient speakers with a flat impedance and phase response if I wanted to Rock, so after ordering the Paraglows, I began the search for a great speaker system. Boy was I surprised at the difference between conventional speakers and the high efficiency, single driver speakers. They seemed like a whole other world, and I realized I needed to forget my conventional speaker design ideas, and pay alot more attention to designs based on how they sound with small amps. I eventually narrowed the field to three speakers, which I felt, would allow me to Rock hard and heavy, and still have that magic midrange for vocals and stringed instruments. The three speakers were the Fostex 208FE in a Jehrico Horn, the Bottlehead Straight 8’s, and the Super 12 speaker system. All three sound fine, but after listening to a bright intense system, I was leaning more towards a panel speaker type sound like the Quad’s, only with far more Dynamics and Mojo. Sorry, but I had to keep my mojo cookin’, and my monkey bone juiced! I got another break when I realized that with the 1/2 sheet of MDF I already had, plus one more sheet and a few items from the local hardware store, was all I needed to start building the cabinets. I began by having some of the pieces precut, then took them home and got to work. I was surprised by the detailed instructions in the manual written by James Melhuish, of The Full Range Driver Forum. I usually just throw my boxes together. This manual provided step by step instructions for the small details like drilling a hole in the mounting strips. I used three different bits for each hole! There was alot more work involved than what I had thought, but I learned alot, and the boxes are very well made. I could not have been successful without John Wyckoff’s excellent support and guidance. He was always there, to tell me what I needed, even when it was something I didn’t want to hear or disagreed with. After a few days, I learned to heed his advice. Do not attempt to second guess this design. It is a highly tuned system, and you will have all sorts of problems if you find the unconventional design too much to bear, and start fiddling around with dampening, tuning, or port location. Best to play it safe! You can always adjust the sound at a later date. After finishing the cabinets, and installing the drivers, I hooked them up and started the long break-in period. This was the worse part about the project. T The speakers need at least 50 hours on them before the sound relaxes and smooths out. Even then, you are only at the beginning of the break-in period of 250 hours. But soon I heard the sound stabilize and the tweeters were starting to mellow out. But even then, I heard a rough edge to the treble. I tried to think of a cause, but could find none. I even opened up the Paraglows and looked around inside. I found a possible cause in a very critical location. The directly coupled link between the plate of the driver tube, and the grid of the 2A3 tube had a nasty bright sounding silver coated copper wire, which I had used when I ran out of wire. I removed it and replace it with a mellow Cardas hookup wire, and like magic all the brightness, and 95% of the harshness was gone from the treble! I could not believe one wire could make this much difference. I think the other 5% harshness will be gone after a little more break in. So now the sound was as John and others had told me it would be. If I had not found this problem, I would have a different story to tell, so think twice before you believe some fool who claims these speakers sound colored or the soundstage is not wide and deep ect, because they may have made a small mistake in their system, or between their ears. And how do the Super 12’s sound? They make beautiful music! The sound is very nice, with real power, bass and dynamics! The soundstage is wide and deep, and well focused in the middle. Vocalist are sometimes in the room with you. The treble is starting to taking on a bit more of a mellow tone. It is at a perfect level, as it blends just right with the midrange. Not an easy thing to do. It is detailed and will I think be smoother the more I run them in. The midrange is just about right. Not laid back, and not too forward, just vivid sometimes. I think the 1/2 felt pad behind the driver controls this aspect. Everything is woven into a nice tapestry of sound. Let me make this next point very clear. Please read my lips: There is hardly any coloration to this speaker, especially in the lower midrange. At least no more than any other top quality speaker. It has a very fine reproduction of male and female voice. There is no thickness to the sound at all. There is a pleasant fullness to the sound, which my Aria5/Raven1’s did not have. The fullness and warmth sounds very natural, like it belongs there. By adding a large warm woofer to the Aria5’s with an active crossover, I may be able to make them sound more like the S12’s. Cellos and violins sound so good, it is hard to believe. Joni Mitchel sounds like Joni Mitchel. Diana Krall sounds like Diana Krall. Cat Stevens voice is rich and warm. Gordon Lightfoot’s voice has alot of sound in the lower midrange, and is used as a test by many. There is no “chestiness” to his voice, and the tone has a golden glow. Of course there is alot of music that does not sound good on any system. You will need about 35 of these squares, for five or six sides of the box. A brace may be of help too, when used with the dampening sheets. But try only the dampening sheets first. Actually, it sounds just fine stock with only the bubble wrap, and felt, but hey, I’ve got to find something wrong, to lend credibility to this review. Also, the speakers are not very sweet. When I put on a recording that is of poor quality the speakers do not go out of their way to make it sound better, as I have heard the Maggies do. But when I put on something great, they sound great. On the other hand, the sweetness of my triode amps is produced very well. But, I do feel that these speakers are not perfect, but they are the best efficient speakers I have heard, or know about. But most of these sound a bit weak and thin, compared to the Super 12’s, and have problems all their own, with monster crossover networks distorting the midrange. Also, the Bottlehead Straight Eight’s seem like a good design, but I have never heard them. But, no speaker is perfect. They all are full of compromises. If you want a perfect speaker, go to bed and dream about one. That’s as close as your gonna get to one. Ok, but what about the bass? It makes a lot of highend speakers sound bad. It runs rings around my Focal 5 1/4 drivers in my Aria5’s. Most tube amps help the fast, damped bass alot, and using a smaller sized speaker wire reduces the dampening effect. That done, the bass takes on a highly defined, full quality, with lots of body. It is fairly strong, and it kicks hard, with a sense of weight in my small room. In a larger room it may have less fullness, and the treble may be reduced as well. But bass is not very important right? Well, just wait until you hear this bass! There is so much information there to be enjoyed. The pace and rhythm are propelled along nicely by this wonderful driver. If only we tube lovers had more speakers like this, it would be a much better world. Not a perfect world, but much, much, better. The state of the art Aria5/Raven1’s are on the left channel. They have many mods such as the Kimber teflon hook up wire, 1 3/4″ front baffle, with 1 1/2″ sides, internal bracing, which is not need at all, and a huge Bi-wired crossover board which hangs off the back by rubber bands. All caps have film and foil bypass caps. The sound is superb. Now, on the right channel are the Super 12 speakers which are not fully broken in(120 hours)and are stock. They use cheap 18ga magnet wire, and do not have any right at all to sound as good as they do. So as not to take up anymore space here I’ll be very brief. Both speakers have their advantages, and sound great with the 2.4w Paraglows. The Super 12’s have almost as good of treble as the Raven ribbon tweeters. They have more bass and a fuller warmer sound which is just right. The Aria5’s have a tiny bit flatter response, and a hair less midrange. Both have good dynamics and loudness, but the Supper 12’s are the winner here, and will go far louder. The Arias distort when turn up past 90db ave peaks. I feel like I could do without the Aria5/R1’s if someone put a gun to my head, and force me to get rid of them. But as for the Hammers, I think I would have to make a play for the gun! This makes the Super 12’s the clear winner. Hammer Dynamics is located in New Mexico. Unlike Dick Olsher, I have not worked with John Wyckoff, I do not know him from Adam, he has not given me anything, and I have no reason to promote his speakers, except for the very high quality sound, and the excellent support he provides. And also to help others with their enjoyment of music. Best Wishes, Greg Roberts Hammer Dynamics Website- www. He is indeed smart, and a very interesting sort, who lives with his wife in the middle of nowhere. His speakers were well broke in and optimized. I loved the detailed sound, no harshness at all there. We listened to them with a homemade linestage, and a Jolida power amp, nothing high end or esoteric, and they Sounded Great. The item “AUDIOPHILE SPEAKER, HAMMER DYNAMICS SUPER-12 – KIT, CUSTOM FULL RANGE DRIVER” is in sale since Monday, April 13, 2020. This item is in the category “Consumer Electronics\Vintage Electronics\Vintage Audio & Video\Vintage Speakers”. The seller is “hallcon1983″ and is located in Fort Worth, Texas. This item can be shipped to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Denmark, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Czech republic, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Estonia, Australia, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovenia, Japan, China, Sweden, South Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand, Belgium, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Bahamas, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland, Norway, Saudi arabia, United arab emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Croatia, Malaysia, Brazil, Chile, Costa rica, Panama, Trinidad and tobago, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Bangladesh, Brunei darussalam, Bolivia, Ecuador, Egypt, French guiana, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Guadeloupe, Iceland, Jersey, Jordan, Cambodia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Macao, Martinique, Nicaragua, Peru, Pakistan, Paraguay, Viet nam, Uruguay, South africa, Colombia, Barbados, Bermuda, Cayman islands, Sri lanka, Maldives, Oman, Reunion.
- Modified Item: No
- Model: SUPER 12
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States