You will be purchasing a Brand New Set of: 28 Instruction DVDs from the Martial Arts system known as: MULTI-RANGE COMBAT SCIENCE. MMA, Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Ground Fighting Submissions, Cage fighting, Bouncer, Kick Boxing, Health, Bodyguard, Self Defense, Fitness/ Strength Training, Combat, Knife, Sword, Double Sword, Karambit, or Amputee One hand Defense/ Offense, what ever the subject may be, you will have a reference with this DVD set. Unlike many other systems, Multi-Range Combat Science calls “basics” what other systems call “advanced”. This set will give more than a black belt level of many martial art styles. The most important aspect of this set is you will gain experience in all these aspects! The instructor of this series is a 6 time cage fighting competitor that holds a Guru status who has taught: Detectives, Body Guards, Navy Seals, Bouncers, Airborne Rangers, Bounty Hunters, P. Cage Fighters, House Wives, Business Owners and currently donates his time to the Young Champions of Monroe. Very Important, Please read carefully: These DVDs are not “theory” instruction DVDs. These DVDs are no frill, no “Hollywood production”, in your face, full of pure HARD HITTING, full contact, combat tested techniques!! It should be known, that these instruction videos is considered “shorts”. While the footage is hardly the best, you will get techniques and concepts unavailable in many series, or even with personal instruction. With these DVDs, the Guru will not waste time repeating techniques, or with the long winded explanation. The techniques within this work are strenuous and a physician should be consulted before taking part of any type of training regimen! Kicks Guru Kalaj demonstrates a variety of hard hitting in your face concepts, techniques, and combos with his good friend Robert W. This is the guide to explosive, hard hitting Kicks. This DVD will complement any art from Tae kwon do, Kempo, Muay Thai, Arnis, and even Savate, in regard to kicks. The physical training of M. Has an emphasis on mental techniques such a focus and concentration, which are essential to full contact kicking. You will learn hard hitting front kicks, side kicks, rounds kicks, and more. This DVD is easy to follow and learn from, with proven full power combat kicking methods. 7 Full Contact Kicks Complete Run Time 14 min. Boxing Guru Kalaj demonstrates a variety of hard hitting in your face concepts, techniques, and combos with his good friend Robert W. By the words of my instructor “Boxing is the worlds best unarmed, hands only striking art”. Ultimately when training, we want to have balance, as we deliver power and speed with all of our punches. Knowing what punches are available and how to use them effectively in-close with power, should be our ultimate goal. In this DVD, you will learn your basic punches, evasions, the “bob-n-weave”, how to channel your power, and so much more. See what makes Multi-Range Combat Science a complete combat system. Evasions, 4 Punches and 3 Combos Complete Run Time 6.5 min. Infighting You can now train the Infighting techniques of Wing Chun and Pentjak Silat. These techniques are up close and personal. You will get the basics of entering into grappling, parrying, trapping, and escaping. You will learn the striking points of your opponent, while gaining the knowledge of how to release your inner power when striking. In this video you will learn basic hand defensive movements as well as chain punches. Only Multi-Range Combat Science will assist you in the hidden journey of martial arts. 5 Techniques Complete Run Time 14 min. DVD Elbows and Knees Guru Kalaj demonstrates a variety of hard hitting in your face concepts, techniques, and combos with his good friend Robert W. One of the most destructive aspect of martial arts is now available on Instruction DVD! Full contact Elbows and Knees are known as fight enders. Learn the best way to generate full power and speed with inward elbows, flying elbows, upward knees, and much more. With proper training, ANYONE can knock out an opponent with an elbow or knee. Learn some of the most hard hitting aspects of Multi-Range Combat Science. 7 Destructive Strikes Complete Run Time 14 min. Single Sword Full force, hard hitting strikes. Using a single sword there are many striking patterns. Finding proper flow with your strikes is the ultimate goal when training single sword or stick. Once you have proper flow, speed and power comes naturally. This 12 strike pattern is the basic of training single sword. Learn the meaning of combat techniques when you train Multi-Range Combat Science. 12 techniques Complete Run Time 12.5 min. Talon Guru Kalaj demonstrates a variety of hard hitting in your face concepts, techniques, and combos with his good friend Robert W. One of the most unique self defense items on the market now has an instruction video! It wont matter if your assaulted by larger, armed, or multiple opponents, as long as you have your Kalaj Kutter Talon, you have a fighting chance. You will learn disarms, how to defend against grabs, stabs, slashes, and more! Learn the subtleties of Multi-Range Combat Science and fear no more. 8 Techniques Complete Run Time 14 min. One-Hand Defense/ Offense Guru Kalaj demonstrates a variety of hard hitting in your face concepts, techniques, and combos with his good friend and Nephew, Erik Vulaj. Guru Kalaj did the entire demonstration with an arm in a sling to show the effectiveness of these techniques. You may have an injured arm, it may be garbed by an assailant, and a world of hurt may be coming your way. It wont matter if you have an arm in a sling, if someone has a hold of it, or if you are an amputee. There are a multitude of techniques available for a self defense scenario, even gain the upper hand, no matter if they be larger, multiple, or armed. The first step is believing in yourself and your technique. Multi-Range Combat Science will help develop your hidden strengths, by only using one hand! You will learn how to disarm, as well as defend against grabs, stabs, punches, and more. Indonesian Pentjak Silat has ever been a hidden art, while many of Pak Serak’s secrets are unavailable. 11 Defense/ Offense Techniques Complete Run Time 24 min. Indian Clubs Training Indian Clubs will assist in your development no matter your skill level, keeping you one step ahead of the competition. You will develop a grip of steel. When you want forearm development and hand strength you can not improve on Indian Clubs. Don’t let stamina and strength determine your course of action. Only Multi-Range Combat Science can make you the warrior you want to be. 5 Techniques Complete Run Time 15 min. Ground Defense/ Offense Guru Kalaj demonstrates a variety of hard hitting in your face concepts, techniques, and combos with his good friend Robert W. 100% of all fights start standing up, while 98% end up on the ground. Arm locks, leg locks, and chokes are available from many positions (if you know them). When grappling, the more techniques you have up your sleeve, the more capable you are to see a submission. When training Multi-Range Combat Science, You will learn unseen submissions and escapes that will blow you and your opponent away. 15 Techniques Complete Run Time 23 min. Women’s Ground Defense/ Offense Guru Kalaj demonstrates a variety of hard hitting in your face concepts, techniques, and combos with his good friend Kiesha Taylor. Your opponent may grab you, or take you down in a multitude of positions. Knowing how to escape from “mount” or “rear naked” should be top priority, as well as knowing how to strike and knock out an assailant on the ground! When ground fighting, the more techniques you have up your sleeve, the more capable you are to see an escape, submission, or knock out. When training Multi-Range Combat Science, you will learn unseen submissions, escapes & knock outs that will deter any assailant. 12 Ground Defense Scenario Complete Run Time 23 min. Karambit Guru Kalaj demonstrates a variety of hard hitting in your face concepts, techniques, and combos with his good friend Robert W. The Karambit has ever been a concealed part of Silat, only passed on the highest ranking students (and only if their teacher knew about it). There are many techniques available for the practitioner who trains in Karambit defense/ offense arts that are not available to the general public (until now). 11 Techniques Complete Run Time 14 min. Nunchucks In this Nunchuck Techniques DVD, you will receive 12, take action techniques demonstrating control and striking techniques for real-life scenarios. You will learn the “flow” of transferring from one hand to the other in a variety of ways. Concepts from many different arts make up this tactical Nunchuck DVD. 12 Techniques Complete Run Time 18 min. Double Sword Full force, fluid, hard hitting strikes. Using two swords, there are a multitude of flow patterns. Finding proper flow with your strikes is the ultimate goal when training double sword. You will learn stepping techniques, 4 powerful flow patterns, and much more. Learn the meaning of flow and power with two swords when you train Multi-Range Combat Science. 3 basic & 3 advanced techniques Complete Run Time 13 min. Iron Fist/ Iron Palm Conditioning & Development The ever hidden training techniques of developing the extremely devastating Iron Fist and the destructive Iron Palm are now available in this instruction DVD. When training Multi-Range Combat Science, you will learn how to channel all your energy into your fist! How to deliver as much damage as possible with your palm! These are the hard hitting techniques that were kept even from the most loyal student. Learn your hidden strengths with Multi-Range Combat Science! 4 stages of development Complete Run Time 17 min. Knife Defense Guru Kalaj demonstrates a variety of hard hitting in your face concepts, techniques, and combos with his good friend Julius Feldbaum. In this knife defense DVD, you will receive 10, take action techniques demonstrating disarms, strips & containments in real-life confrontation scenarios. Multi Range Combat Science will teach you how to defend against a knife-wielding opponent whether your armed with a knife, or empty handed! Along with your disarms, you will also learn how to defend against slashes, stabs, and more. Concepts from many different arts make up this tactical knife defense DVD. 10 Defense Techniques Complete Run Time 20 min. Sword and Tomahawk with Dagger Showing with a simulated sword & tomahawk, Guru Kalaj demonstrates Espada y Daga (Sword and Dagger) techniques. This is one of the most combative two handed arts ever. When you train this aspect of Multi-Range Combat Science, you will learn how to use both your hands independently, learning blocks, perrys, and fluid patterns that can easily be adapted to the use of many different swords & knives, including the Gurus favorite, the Tomahawk. Learn the Spaniard style of Sword and Dagger, and how to adapt all of these techniques to a Tomahawk in this Multi-Range Combat Science instruction Video. 4 Defense 6 Offense Techniques – with Tomahawk and Sword Complete Run Time 13 min. Bag work/ Kick Boxing Demonstrating on a head & torso workout dummy, learn deceptive and devastating, kick boxing techniques behind punches, elbows, knees, and kicks! Multi-Range Combat Science will teach you how to hit, and where to hit. Many striking arts have basics, with M. Hard hitting with aggression is our basics! 12 Striking Techniques Complete Run Time 12 min. Dulo (Doolo) Guru Kalaj demonstrates a variety of hard hitting in your face concepts, techniques, and combos with his good friend Julius Feldbaum. The Dulo is the easiest to use, and most legal self defense item currently on the market. Learn the basics of self defense against larger, armed, or multiple attackers using only a Dulo. You will learn how to disarm and defend against stabs, slashes, kicks, sticks, and more! With this DVD, you will gain the self confidence of Multi-Range Combat Science. 10 Defense Techniques Complete Run Time 12 min. Combat Conditioning Fitness, strength training, competition, combat. All of these aspects demand a fit and strong body, mind, and spirit. Combat conditioning will assist in your development no matter your skill level, keeping you one step ahead of the competition. You will get techniques such as deep breathing, dumbbell, and body weight work outs, stretching, cardio, and more. 24 Techniques Complete Run Time 24 min. Push-Ups Push-ups will assist in your development of punching power (main benefit of push ups) no matter your skill level, keeping you one step ahead of the competition. When training with push up handles, you will be able to train the unique techniques, developing the “awkward” muscles, reaching higher levels of fitness. 6 Techniques Complete Run Time 11.5 min. Self Defense for Women Combat MMA instructor, Guru Kalaj demonstrates a variety of hard hitting in your face concepts, techniques, and combos with his good friend Keisha Taylor, that work in a variety of different circumstances. This DVD is easy to follow and learn from, with proven combat methods. You will gain the ability to fight back, and get the upper hand no matter if the assailant attempts to grab you, or gets a hold of you, is larger, stronger, or has a knife! You will learn how to strike your opponent, defend against stabs, grabs and more, EMPTY HANDED! Learn to deal with the threat head on with this explosive Multi-Range Combat Science DVD. 11 Empty Handed Techniques Complete Run Time 17 min. Deep Breathing Some Tao masters have been documented as to reach ages that modern man could never dream of. Many were able to accomplish amazing feats of strength, stamina, and skill, that can only be labeled as, SUPER HUMAN. Deep Breathing was one of the secrets that they never let out. More times than not, deep breathing was passed by with a shrug by many, and never explored. Multi-Range Combat Science demands that all students (Combat Vets, to kids AGES 9-90) gain the ultimate benefit of deep breathing. 3 deep breathing exercises Complete Run Time 12.5 min. Some of my students have had amazing results in weight loss, curing insomnia, as well as reducing (and eliminating) the use of an inhaler. Tension Breathing Deep Breathing has many aspects. If you have the desire to reach higher levels of training, to make you body as solid as possible, and gain stamina second to none, then try Tension Breathing. These deep breathing exercises are extremely intense, and will test your endurance to the limits you never knew you had. This aspect of Multi-Range Combat Science in known as the internal part of Martial Arts. 4 deep breathing exercises Complete Run Time 11 min. Stretching Have you stretched today? A very important question. Stretching increases flexibility, allows good blood flow, and also helps you to relax. With regular, proper stretching, you will feel invigorated, alive, and ready to take on the world. Learn the values of stretching through Multi-Range Combat Science. 13 Stretches Complete Run Time 17 min. Guru Kalaj demonstrates a variety of hard hitting in your face concepts, techniques, and combos with his good friend Brandon Hutchons, that work in a variety of different circumstances. Some of our hardest hitting techniques are now available in this instruction DVD. (22 techniques, with variations, and the complete run time of about 39 minutes) Rolls and Falls Without a doubt, the most neglected aspect of martial arts is learning how to keep from taking damage if you trip, fall, or get thrown. Within this work you will get techniques that are proven in combat, street, and full contact scenario. You will learn how to keep from getting hurt from falling backwards, to your side or face first. You can learn to take up the shock with the techniques within this work, or roll out of the fall (or throw) and get back up on your feet! 3 falling, and 2 rolling techniques with advancement variations, Complete Run Time 19 min. Advanced Stick Instruction Guru Kalaj demonstrates a variety of hard hitting in your face concepts, techniques, and combos with his good friend Brandon Hutchons, that work in a variety of different circumstances. Proper blocking techniques, in combination with hard hitting, combat proven strikes. You will get within this work, easy to learn defensive blocks from many different angles, stick disarms, strips, striking techniques and more that will set you apart from the competition. 15 Stick Defense/ Offense Scenario Complete Run Time 16 min. DVD Phoenix Eye Guru Kalaj demonstrates a variety of hard hitting in your face concepts, techniques, and combos with his good friend Brandon Hutchons, that work in a variety of different circumstances. The ever hidden striking techniques of the elusive Phoenix Eye are now available in this instruction DVD. When training Multi-Range Combat Science, you will learn the tight, in close techniques, of the Phoenix eye that cause major damage. These strikes will make ANY aggressor think twice. 14 techniques, and the complete run time is about 16 minutes. DVD Multi-Range Combat Science is a (cut to the chase, economy of motion, get control of the situation) system that has been proven time and again in the street, as well as in competition. All products available from the Halls of Valhalla are for information or collection only and should not be used to cause harm to anyone, in anyway, shape, or form! Do not order any items that are illegal to import into your country. Laws are different in every country. This item is in the category “Movies & TV\DVDs & Blu-ray Discs”. The seller is “mmaforge” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped worldwide.
- Director: Nino Guru Kalaj
- Format: DVD
- Type: instruction video
- Movie/TV Title: multi range combat science Library
- Edition: Box Set
- Genre: Sports
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Features: martial arts training
- Actor: Nino Guru Kalaj
- Language: English
- Martial Arts Weapons Store: Martial Arts Weapons Training
- Rating: NR
- martial arts supplies: martial arts weapons
- Modified Item: No
- Subject: MMA
- discount martial arts supplies: best martial arts supply store
- Mixed Martial Arts: Combat Training Techniques
- Escrima: Kali
- Sub-Genre: Boxing, Mixed Martial Arts/UFC
- Steel: none
- UPC: 678358919734